Whole School Homework
Dear Parents,
Today our new Year 6 School Scripture Champions led an assembly about the Year of the Word for the whole school. To help enrich this special year, we would like to set a whole school homework project. We are asking that each family chooses their favourite bible story and creates a piece of art work linked to this e.g. a drawing of a part of the story, collage, painting etc on A4 paper. We will be displaying some of these on our whole school Year of the Word board in the hall. Please send them in to school by Friday 24th January 2020 so the children can share them in class and we can use some of the pieces of art for our whole school display.
To find out more about the Year of the Word please visit our RE curriculum page which will be update throughout the year with further information.
Thank you for your support.
Kind regards,
Mrs Worton-Geer
Deputy Head/ RE Lead
Year of the Word assembly launch - led by our Scripture Champions
Scripture Champions 2020-2021
Please see our Chaplaincy Team for our Scripture Champion team for 2020-2021
Further information
Please see the Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales special Year of the Word website for furhter information
Year of the Word class activities
January 2020
Our Scripture Champions led our first whole school Year of the Word monthly activity for January. Our theme for January is how Jesus can help the children in their Education. The children carried out the reflections on an outline of a pencil and these were put into a whole class reflection book.
February 2020
The theme for February was Lent. The Scripture Champions read the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 – Matthew 14:13-21 - to each class and helped them to reflect on the message. We learnt that the story tells us about how powerful Jesus is; that God can give us what we need; that Jesus is compassionate and cares for the hungry. The message that the Scripture Champions helped us to understand was the importance of sharing what we have with others, to follow Jesus’ example and help the hungry and those in need especially during Lent. The children then all completed an activtiy that the Scripture Champions had prepared in which they had to think about what they were going to do to share their light during lent by following Jesus’ example? These reflections were put onto a template of a lamp to remind us to let our lights shine and then put into the class Year of the Word books.
September 2020
The theme for September is the environment. In our class bubbles we have been learning about Laudato Si and the importance of caring for our world. We watched this video to help us learning about Pope Francis message to us. Our scripture champions prepared and led an assembly - see below
October Focus 2020
October 2020 focus
- This month’s theme is the St Jerome
- St Jerome is the patron saint of translators and scholars
- He translated the Bible into Latin, the common language of his day so that people could read the Bible and find out about the Good News.
- This was important because other people could understand it and read it. People spoke mostly Latin.
Mission: On one side you can write down a message from the Bible – what have you learnt from it?
On the other side write down how you will share and live out this message
November Focus
This month's theme is mental health and scripture
Exodus 15:2 we are reassured that: ‘The Lord is my strength and my song; he has given me victory’.
The message from this reading is that God is there to help keep us strong, we can trust in him to help us always. It is important to talk about our worries to those around us but most importantly to talk to God.
We can read the Bible to help inspire us to cope with our worries and know that God is always there. All we need to do is ask for him and he will stretch out his hand and help us.
Have a look at our Scripture Champion video to find out more about this month's theme.
March 2021 Focus
This month’s theme is the Holy Family
John 3:16-17 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him
Mission: What can you learn from the Holy Family and how can you be more like them?
April 2021 Focus
This month’s theme is Easter Glory
John 11:25-26 Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die
Mission: Jesus showed his love and care for us, how can we show this to others and learn from the Easter story
May 2021 Focus
This month’s theme is Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Sprit
Acts 2; When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.
Mission: create your own Proverb