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Spring 25 dates


Monday 6th January


Tuesday 7th January

Children return to school  

Tuesday 7th January

Forest school for year 5 to start for spring 1 half term

Monday 13th January

Catholic Social Teaching Principal Launch Solidarity and Peace - by Chaplaincy Team (in school only)

Monday 13th January

Morning booster sessions to start (letters to be sent to children who are invited to attend)

Wednesday 15th January

9:15am Start of Year Mass

Thursday 16th January

9am tea and talk for parents with SENCO and family support

Friday 17th January

Year 5 road safety workshop in school

Friday 24th January

Jubilee Year 2025 launch Pilgrims of Hope Launch

Week Commencing 27th January

SEN child centered planning meetings with class teachers and parents (parents of SEN children will be sent a day/time to attend)

Week Commencing 27th January

Year 1 charity week

Tuesday 28th January

9:05am Open parent phonic sessions for year 2 and Year N

Wednesday 29th January

9:05am Open parent phonic sessions for year R and Year 1



Week commencing 3rd February

Childrens Mental Health Week

Tuesday 11th February

Parents evening

Wednesday 12th February

2:30pm Reading afternoon with parents/ carer in school

Thursday 11th February

Parents evening

Friday 14th February

Non-uniform day for a donation towards our building fund

HALF TERM  17th 21st February

Monday 24th February

Children return to school 

Monday 24th February

Catholic Social Teaching Principle Launch Community and Participation - by Chaplaincy Team (in school only)

Monday 24th February

Topic celebration week KS2 this week (days to be shared)

Tuesday 25th February

Forest school for year 3 to start for spring 2 half term

Wednesday 26th February

9:30am Year 5 and 6 Mass at St Pauls Church



Monday 3rd March

Topic celebration week KS1/EYFS this week (days to be shared)

Tuesday 4th March

Enrichment morning

Wednesday 5th March

Ash Wednesday Services (parents invited)

10:30am EYFS/KS1

11:15am KS2

Thursday 6th March

World book day

Week commencing 10th March

British Science Week

Wednesday 12th March

9:30am Year 3 and 4 Mass at St Pauls Church

Thursday 20th March

Year 1 toy museum trip

Monday 24th March

2:30pm parent/parish Lenten service with soup supper Led by Chaplaincy Team


Tuesday 1st April

9:30am and 2:00pm Yr 3/4 Easter Play

Wednesday 2nd April

Year 5 and 6 school trip

Thursday 3rd April

9:05am End of Term Awards (by invite only, max 2 per child)

Friday 4th April

Last Day of the Spring Term school finishes at 1.05pm, non-uniform day for a donation towards our building fund

Tuesday 22nd April

Children return to school




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