Welcome to the Year 1 Class Page. Year 1 is a fantastic year to be in. We will have such a fun time together learning lots of new things, making memories and having fun! We are looking forward to having a happy, exciting and successful year together! Please read through this page to find out about your child's learning in Year 1. Check back regularly for updates.
Our School Mission Statement
Our school is a place of learning, a place of love.
Spiritual – We celebrate our life in Christ.
Teamwork – We play and work together.
Polite – We are polite and respect everyone we meet.
Always – We always try to do our best.
Understanding – We try to understand peoples’ feelings.
Learning – We love to learn about our world in many different ways.
Sharing – We share our time, our gifts and our belongings.
Let the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to them. Luke 18:16
Meet the Staff
Mrs Camadoo-Nynan and Miss Hood are the Year 1 teachers.
Mrs Pell is the Year 1 Class Teaching Assistant.
Mental Health and Well-Being
In our class we encourage the children to share how they are feeling through the use of open discussion as well as our feelings display. Each child has also chosen a 'Special Person'. This is a member of staff they may ask to speak to if they want to.
Our Class Saint
Our class saint is Saint Anthony. He is the patron saint of lost items. We celebrate St Anthony's feast day on June 13th. Please click here to find out more information about our Class Saint https://stpauls-herts.secure-dbprimary.com/herts/primary/stpauls/site/pages/religiouseducation/classsaints/year1classsaint

Reading in Year 1
In Year 1, your child will have a growing knowledge of phonics and will be building up a range of reading skills. The focus is now on developing their phonics and comprehension skills as they become confident and fluent readers.
Please read on to find out how your child will learn to read at school and how you can help at home.
Our Gallery of Learning
Spellings: The children will be tested on spellings weekly. Spellings are given out on a Friday and are tested the following Friday. The spellings are linked to the phonics sound they are learning in class followed by two common exception words.
Reading: The children will change their books weekly. Please try and read with your child each day and record this in their reading record.
Maths homework: Please log in to ‘Numbots’ our online portal to practise number bonds. Please try and do this for 10 mins 3 times a week. The login for this is in your child’s reading record.
Week 1Spellings to learn for test on 17.01.2025Focus Sound: ‘wh’ saying /w/ |
Week 2Spellings to learn for test on 24.01.2024Focus Sound: 'g' saying /j/ and 'c' saying /s/ |
Week 3Spellings to learn for test on 31.01.2024Focus Sound: 'ph' saying /f/ |
Week 4Spellings to learn for test on 05.02.2024Focus Sound: 'ea' saying /e/ |
Week 5Spellings to learn for test on 14.02.2025Focus Sound: ie saying /ee/ |
Week 6Spellings to learn for test on 28.02.2025Focus Sound: Adding -ed |
white | gem | phone | head | chief | jumped |
whale | cell | dolphin | bread | priest | hunted |
whisper | magic | elephant | ready | brief | looked |
which | city | alphabet | deaf | shriek | started |
whiskers | giant | photo | healthy | field | gasped |
while | face | microphone | weather | thief | shouted |
whine | ginger | graph | instead | shield | yelled |
wheel | slice | nephew | breakfast | relief | wished |
work | many | because | any | also | please |
house | laughed | different | eye | friend | once |
Week 3Spellings to learn for test on 29.09.2024Focus Sound: ‘ir’ saying /er/ |
Week 4Spellings to learn for test on 06.12.2024Focus Sound: ‘ir’ saying /er/ |
Week 5Spellings to learn for test on 12.12.2024Focus Sound: |
Week 6Spellings to learn for test on 20.12.2024Focus Sound: |
Week 7Spellings to learn for test on 10.01.2025Focus Sound: |
stir | few | very | saw | low |
girl | new | family | paw | slow |
bird | dew | body | draw | window |
shirt | stew | happy | yawn | own |
dirt | blew | sunny | August | toe |
third | chew | furry | laundry | hoe |
first | grew | crunchy | launch | doe |
thirteen | drew | hairy | astronaut | goes |
love | asked | water | who | thought |
your | called | where | why | through |
Week 1Spellings to learn for test on 13.09.2024Focus Sound: ‘oy’ saying /oi/ |
Week 2Spellings to learn for test on 20.09.2024Focus Sound: ‘ie’ saying /igh/ |
Week 3Spellings to learn for test on 27.09.2024Focus Sound: ‘ea’ saying /ee/ |
Week 4Spellings to learn for test on 04.10.2024Focus Sound: ‘a_e’ saying /ai/ |
Week 5Spellings to learn for test on 11.10.2024Focus Sound: ‘i_e’ saying /igh/ ‘o_e’ saying /oa/ |
Week 6Spellings to learn for test on 18.10.2024Focus Sound: ‘u_e’ saying /yoo/ and /oo/ ‘e_e’ saying /ee/
Week 7Spellings to learn for test on 25.10.2024Focus Sound: ‘ou’ saying /ow/ |
Week 8Spellings to learn for test on 08.11.2024Focus Sound: long vowel sounds |
toy |
pie |
sea |
game |
bike |
use |
pouch |
apricot |
boy |
tie |
bead |
name |
time |
cube |
spout |
acorn |
joy |
lie |
read |
snake |
pine |
fume |
cloud |
kind |
enjoy |
die |
seat |
ate |
prize |
tube |
scout |
lion |
destroy |
cries |
meat |
cake |
bone |
eve |
sprout |
music |
annoy |
tries |
treat |
came |
home |
these |
proud |
unicorn |
employ |
spied |
least |
make |
note |
theme |
sound |
both |
royal |
fried |
leaf |
same |
alone |
complete |
ground |
hotel |
have |
come |
were |
little |
do |
what |
should |
want |
like |
some |
there |
one |
when |
could |
would |
their |
Curriculum Information
Please see below our Welcome to Year 1 powerpoint presentation and termly curriculum letters to give you an understanding of what your child will be learning.
Knowledge Organisers - Autumn 1
Please see below for our Knowledge Organisers. A Knowledge Organiser is a go-to document for a topic/unit of work: each one identifies the key information/vocabulary that children need to have learned by the end of a topic. It also acts as a tool to support children in retaining and retrieving knowledge for life-long learning. The children will use these knowledge organisers in their lessons to support them in remembering more key facts!
Knowledge Organisers - Autumn 2
Knowledge Organisers - Spring 1
Spring 2 Knowledge Organisers
Phonics Resources
Useful Links
Please log in to ‘Numbots’ our online portal to practise number bonds. Please try and do this for 10 mins 3 times a week. The login for this is in your child’s reading record.
Purple Mash:
Catholic Social Teaching Principles
Catholic social teaching (CST) is rooted in Scripture, formed by the wisdom of Church leaders, and influenced by grassroots movements. It is our moral compass, guiding us on how to live out our faith in the world. Our faith calls us to love God and to love our neighbours in every situation, especially our sisters and brothers living in poverty. Following in the footsteps of Christ, we hope to make present in our unjust and broken world, the justice, love and peace of God.
As Catholics, we are committed to contributing positively to our society; being of service to others – particularly those that have less and are more vulnerable.
Our class Catholic Social Teaching Principle is Peace.
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Care of Creation The world was made by God, so we take care of God’s creation. |
Preferential option for the poor The ‘preferential option’ means allowing someone to have the first choice. |
Solidarity and Peace God calls us to be peacemakers in the world – to stand in solidarity with those in need. |
Community and Participation As humans, we are made to live in community with one another. This means being active members of the world we live in. We are meant to look out for each other and build each other up. This is how God wants us to live. |
Dignity of Workers Work is fundamental to the dignity of a person. |
Human Dignity Treating someone with dignity means treating them with love, kindness and respect. Everyone should be treated with dignity because we are made in the image and likeness of God. |
Our Class Prayers
Morning Prayer
Father in heaven you love me,
You’re with me night and day,
I want to love you always in all I do and say.
I’ll try to please you father,
Bless me through the day.
Lunchtime Prayer
Before Lunch
Thank you God our Father,
For the food we are about to eat.
Bless those who have prepared it.
After Lunch
We give you thanks, Almighty God,
for all your benefits,
who live and reign, world without end.
Home time Prayer
God our Father, I’ve come to say
Thank you for your love today.
Thank you for my family
And all the friends you give to me.
Guard me in the dark of night
And in the morning send your light