Our Mental Health and Wellbeing Ambassadors
At St. Paul's Catholic Nursery and Primary School we are passionate about promoting Mental Health awareness with termly theme events that our well-being and school council ambassadors lead upon delivering and supporting. Fun and engaging Mental Health teaching and learning activities are sourced from UK Mental Health Organisations led by teaching staff include mindfulness activities, painting, yoga, music and encouraging 'just talk'.
Our ethos is to ensure all our children have the right to express their thoughts and feelings within a safe and nurturing learning environment. We encourage this through each child in our school choosing a 'special adult' to go to should they need to 'just talk'. We also have a Mental Health and Well-being team led by our children across Key stage 1 and 2. This team promotes national mental health and well-being awareness and strategies across our school.
For useful publications to support a range of Mental Health experiences such as how to deal with anxiety, loneliness, sleep and more please visit; https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/publications
If you have any concerns or require further information please speak to your class teacher for support or Ms N Costanzo - SENDCo & Mental Health Lead.