Our Mental Health and Wellbeing Ambassadors
At St. Paul's Catholic Nursery and Primary School we are passionate about promoting Mental Health awareness with termly theme events that our well-being and school council ambassadors lead upon delivering and supporting. Fun and engaging Mental Health teaching and learning activities are sourced from UK Mental Health Organisations led by teaching staff include mindfulness activities, painting, yoga, music and encouraging 'just talk'.
Our ethos is to ensure all our children have the right to express their thoughts and feelings within a safe and nurturing learning environment. We encourage this through each child in our school choosing a 'special adult' to go to should they need to 'just talk'. We also have a Mental Health and Well-being team led by our children across Key stage 1 and 2. This team promotes national mental health and well-being awareness and strategies across our school.
For useful publications to support a range of Mental Health experiences such as how to deal with anxiety, loneliness, sleep and more please visit; https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/publications
If you have any concerns or require further information please speak to your class teacher for support or Ms N Costanzo - Deputy Headteacher, SENDCo & Mental Health Lead.
St Paul's Whole School Projects! 2022-2023
Mental Health Awareness Day - 'Let's Connect & Dress to Impress' on Friday 10th February 2023
At St Paul's School will be learning about young people’s mental health by taking part in activities in school on Youth Mental Health Day provided by stem4 on Tuesday 19 September 2023. The theme this year is #BeBrave. Here children will be discussing bravery and exploring ways of ways to be living without fear and anxiety using stem4 activities. For more information and resources please visit youthmentalhealthday.co.uk. or watch this short video https://stem4.org.uk/youthmentalhealthday/#video
Well being Team for 2024 to 2025
Well-being team for 2024 - 2025
Y3 – Sienna & Raniero
Y4 – Fedor & Annie
Y5 – John & Peculiar
Y6 – Sidelya & Jacob
Exciting events coming up!
2023 to 2024
- Youth Health Day 19/09/23
- Tea & Talk for parents - 10/10/23
- Just Talk Week - Back to Basics - 20-24/11/23
- Tea & Talk for parents - 16/01/24
- Children's Well-being & Feeling Good Week - 05/02/24
- Spring Term - Project - Well-being huts on KS1 & KS2 playground
- Mental Health Awareness Week- Movement 13-17/05/24
2024 to 2025
- Youth Mental Health Day - #ControlYourScroll - Stem4 - 19/09/24
- Just Talk Week - Just Move it - week of 11/11/24
- Talk and Tea for parents - 16/01/25
- Mental Health and Well-being Week - Know Yourself - Grow Yourself - 03-07/02/25
Whole School Well-being events and support 2023
Just Talk Week - Back to Basics 20th to 24th November 2023
This week will be dedicated to support our pupils to Just Talk. Children will watch well-being videos created by other children that are ready to share their worries and how they sought support. Pupils will learn about the '5 ways to wellbeing', how to use a 'just talk journal' and be signposted and provided with further support contacts.
Whole School Well-being events and support - Tea and Talk Parenting Support 2024
Feeling Good Week - 5-9th February 2024
On February 5-9th St Paul's School celebrated Feeling Good Week! Children marked this week by making their 'voice matter' by completing a range of fun activities in class and learning lots of different ways to well-being. Classes attended a workshop run by Sports Challenge Education where they learnt more about how to look after their own wellbeing, along with;
· Coping with stress and anxiety
· Provide a space and time for a child to talk about their worries
· Supporting mental health in young people with neurodiversity
· Promote healthy eating
· Understand the benefits of physical activity
· Daily mindfulness sessions
A non-school uniform day was held to raise money for a brand new outdoor well-being hut and well-being resources. Thank you all for supporting our St Paul's Well-being Ambassadors with our school Well-being improvement project!

Well-being huts at St Paul's School!
Last term the Well-being team worked hard at planning fund raising events in order to have two brand new Well-being huts in our school, one in our KS1 playground and another in our KS2 playground.
Children chose a range of mindfulness and sensory activities and friendship games to lead on running across the school every play time.
Well done to the Well-being team for working so hard on this well-being outdoor project with Ms Costanzo.
A lovely summer term launch where everyone is welcome to join in!

Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 to take place from 13th to 19th May 2024
This term’s National Mental Health and Well-being Awareness campaign to be promoted at St. Paul’s Catholic Nursery and Primary School will take place from 13th to 19th May, with the theme of “Movement: Moving more for our mental health”.
This year the focus week aims to strengthen understanding on the top tips for movement and how movement reduces stress and anxiety and boosts your self-esteem. To promote this week we would like children to wear trainers to school on Friday 17th May so that children can be led by our well-being team to take part in boosting activities, regular movement breaks and brain gyms across the day. All to practice and promote the importance of a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
Please see the attached letter for more details about the campaign and some useful supportive information.
Youth Mental Health Day - Stem4 - #ControlYourScroll - 19th September 2024
This term’s Youth Mental Health and Well-being Day campaign to be promoted at St. Paul’s Catholic Nursery and Primary School. This will take place on 19th September 2024, with the theme of “#ControlYourScroll” championed by Stem4.
This themed focus day aims to strengthen understanding on the top tips on how to look after children’s mental health in an ever-growing digital age. Teachers and children will be sharing positive and the negative aspects that the online world poses and the many hidden and overt harms that young people face today that didn’t have to face ten years age. In turn, all to promote and support the importance of a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
Please see the letter, powerpoint and links attached below for further information and guidance.
Just Talk Week - 'Just Move It' - week of 11th November 2024
This will take place week of 11th November 2024, with the theme ‘Just Move It’
This themed focus week aims to strengthen understanding and provide pupils with top tips on how to look after children’s mental health by exercise. Teachers and pupils will be exploring how the benefits of physical activity extend beyond physical health and the powerful connection between movement and mood. Pupils will also be encouraged to participate in additional movement walks and games during the week.
Well-being at St Paul's - 2025
Talk and Tea - 16th January 2025 - Parents Support
Mental Health & Well-being Week - 3-7th February 2025 - Know Yourself - Grow Yourself - Places2Be's
It was lovely to see children wearing a range of unique outfits that express their individuality to promote children’s mental health week. This theme this year is ‘know yourself, grow yourself, and throughout the week the children have been taking part in various activities linked to this. More information can be found at Place2Be's Children's Mental Health Week - Official site