Supporting Loss & Bereavement at St Paul's School - Rainbows

Supporting Loss and Bereavement at St Paul's Catholic School.
“I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” John 11: 25 - 26
As a member of a Catholic School community, we are called to witness our faith in times of joy and sorrow, and to support one another; especially in a time of crisis. When a member of the community dies, it is important that the community respond in an appropriate way. A different response may be necessary depending on whether it be a death of a pupil, a staff member or any other member of the school community.
The death of a loved one is a traumatic event for anyone to experience, especially for children. Although grieving is a natural process which can be helped by the sympathy and understanding of those who care for us, it is also important that the right support is given so that the person experiencing grief is able to work through it in a positive way.
At St Paul's Catholic School our misson is to provide a safe space for learning and a place to grow in God's love. Our mission is to care for and support our pupils in times of bereavement and loss by using renowned bereavement charities including Rainbows GB and Child Bereavement UK.
About Rainbows
When something significant happens in a family, the entire family is affected. Even though death, divorce or other loss issues appear to be only grown-up problems, they do have a profound effect on the children who are touched by such experiences. If a parent dies, a divorce happens, or some other painful loss occurs, not only do the parents grieve, the children do also. Children may find it extremely difficult to verbalise their feelings of grief because of their age and inexperience.
We have some very sensitive, caring and trained adults who have said “yes” to helping these children put their feelings into words, work through their grief, build a stronger sense of self-esteem, and begin to accept what has taken place in the family.
If your child is part of a single parent family, a step-family, has experienced the death of a loved family member, friend or sibling, or is struggling through a painful experience, this will be an opportunity for him/her to share with a special someone.
For more information on our loss and bereavement support group please contact Ms N Costanzo - Senco & Rainbows Leader
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