Welcome to our school website. Nursery and Reception 2025 places are still available. If you are looking for a school place, please contact the school office to arrange a tour with Mrs Worton-Geer. We have spaces in our Nursery for children once they turn 3 including free funded 15 hour and 30 hour provision. Please speak to the office for further details.

Our school is a place of learning, a place of love.
Spiritual – We celebrate our life in Christ.
Teamwork – We play and work together.
Polite – We are polite and respect everyone we meet.
Always – We always try to do our best.
Understanding – We try to understand peoples’ feelings.
Learning – We love to learn about our world in many different ways.
Sharing – We share our time, our gifts and our belongings.
Let the children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to them. Luke 18:16