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Welcome to the Year 4 page

In Year 4 the teachers are Mrs Bidder & Miss Dulieu

Multiplication check

In June the children will take part in a National Multiplication Check. This check covers timetables upto 12 x 12. It is therefore important that the children know their timestables quickly. Below are some links that can support with this. Also, when you go on to Purple Mash there is a game which is for multiplication and is set out how the multiplication test will be. You can also Google the test and other examples of the test structure are available. Below is the link for guidance on the check for the year 2021-2022 

Knowledge Organisers

Here at St Paul's we use Knowledge Organisers. These are banks of information that will support you child during a topic. Please use these to develop your child's knowledge, for extra information about what we are doing and for when your child is working from home. On each one are the skills that we teach the children in that topic. 

Summer Term

Welcome Meeting Powerpoint


English is very important to us. That's why we have 'Book Strings.' A set of age appropriate but challenging books in our class. We also have a poem every week that we use in class to develop our vocabulary. Some of the poems are covered over several weeks as they are longer or we take part of the poem. In Year 4 we also  encourage a love of reading. 

Please remember to read as often as possible at home. You can encourage your child by;

  • Read while you are out and about – There are many opportunities to read when you are out in the car, taking a walk or shopping in town.
  • Encourage your child to help you by reading signs and guiding the way.
  • Read yourself! It’s great for your child to see you as a reader too! This could be anything from books, letters and e-mails to receipts,newspapers and magazines.
  • Visit your library – it’s free to join! As well as visit your library taking out story books, use visits to the library as a time to find books about your child’s hobbies and interests.
  • Make time to read - Set aside a time for reading for the family – after school or before bedtime. Encourage independent reading but don’t be afraid to still tell a bedtime story. Bedtime stories create a feeling of security and love and make happy memories that we remember when we are older.
  • Don’t just read books - Variety is great! Encourage your child to read newspapers, TV guides, comics, poems, shopping lists, road signs and magazines. Ask your child to find out information from the Yellow Pages, the Internet, cookery books, etc.
  • Let your child read with younger children –Encourage them to read to other members of the family.
  • Talk about what they are reading. –Make time to discuss what they like or don’t like about the book they are reading.
  • Sharing Books - Sharing a book with a child, no matter how old, is fun! It is a time for closeness. 

We also now use Accelerated Reader in school. Please help your child to complete the quizzes at home. They will be assessed at least once a term. Here is the link https://ukhosted142.renlearn.co.uk/6712691/Public/RPM/Login/Login.aspx?srcID=s

Fun In Class



Here are some prayers we use in our class.

St Paul’s Prayer Phases

At St Paul’s we are supporting the children to understand and learn the prayers as set out in our prayer phase. Please see the supporting document below. We base our assemblies and some of our worships on these prayers.



Morning Prayer

  Father in heaven you love me,     

You’re with me night and day,

I want to love you always in all I do and say.

I’ll try to please you father,

Bless me through the day.


Before Lunch Prayer

Thank you God our Father,

For the food we are about to eat.

Bless those who have prepared it.


After Lunch Prayer

We give you thanks, Almighty God, 

For all your benefits

Who live and reign,  world without end, 



Home time Prayer

God our Father, I’ve come to say

Thank you for your love today.

Thank you for my family

And all the friends you give to me.

Guard me in the dark of night

And in the morning send your light


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