Charity at St Paul's
Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done. Proverbs 19:17
As part of developing the children’s understanding of the common good and Catholic Social Teaching each week a different class will have a charity fundraising week based on either a local, national or global charity. Each class will decide which charity they would like to fundraise for and will complete a range of activities at home and in school to raise money and awareness.
At St Paul's we support local, national and international charities throughout the year. Some of the charities that we support include:
As Catholics, we are committed to contributing positively to our society; being of service to others – particularly those that have less and are more vulnerable.
At St Paul's we have a mission as part of the wider Catholic Church, and to be able to live this out, we aim to serve the common good in our localities and in our wider world. Our School Mission statement states, ‘Our school is a place of learning, a place of love’ Our pupils and staff aim to share their love by going out to do good in our community, by inviting community members into school and by using our God given skills and talents to help and support those in need.
We seek to embrace and contribute to the Mission of Church, to proclaim the Gospel of Christ and to bring each person closer to our loving Father through the power of the Holy Spirit. By recognising the dignity of all, finding opportunities to imitate Christ and striving to love and serve others, we aim to encourage one another to give in service, in as much as we give of our resources through charity fundraising. This means we try to be giving of our time to charities and to others, and as a school community, we organise events throughout the year to raise awareness of charities and contribute to their cause.
Matthew 6: 24 – Jesus says: ‘You cannot serve both God and money’. Here, Jesus was teaching us about the common good; how we should seek what’s best for everyone – beginning with the last, the least, the most forgotten in our society.
We strive to be witnesses to Christ in the world through our words and actions.
"The dignity of each human person and the pursuit of the common good are concerns which ought to shape all economic policies" Pope Francis
Please see our celebration board outside our office for all our certificates and letters from our charity work.
Year 2 Charity Week
This year, Year 2 supported a local charity, Herts Mind Network, who support the mental health and well being of adults and children across Hertfordshire. They learnt more about mental health and well being and have a better understanding of what this means. Year 2 decided to hold a cake sale and were able to raise over £55 for this very worthy cause.