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Welcome to our nursery sign

We are delighted to welcome you to St Pauls Nursery.  Our Nursery offers a safe, caring, secure and nurturing environment where children grow and learn all while having a fun experience.  We strive to ensure a stimulating environment, encouraging active learning, positive relationships and promote independence for lifelong learning.

Learning is play - based which means that on the whole, children choose the activitiy that they would like to do and their learning is supported and extended by adults in the classroom, as part of their play.  Learning also takes place in daily whole class carpet sessions where we cover the EYFS Curriculum and our Religious Education Scheme.  The children have access to both indoor and outdoor provision in all weathers.  The Nursery children also take part in a short daily group activity.  During this time children are encouraged to develop a range of skills including physical development, maths and personal, social and emotional development.  These activities are planned to meet the interests of the children to make their learning memorable.  

We believe that a strong parent - teacher relationship is key to helping your child be the best they can be.  In order to do this we are available to you to answer any questions or discuss any issues you may have.  You can contact us via email, by calling the office, arranging a meeting and through Tapestry.  Tapestry is our way of showing you videos and photos of your child's learning in action and keep you up to date with their progress.  In turn you are able to upload anything you feel is important to share with us.  

Hope to see you soon.

Mrs Crook

Nursery Teacher & Early Years Lead 

Email: nursery@stpauls373.herts.sch.uk


Our Class Prayer

class prayer

Useful Documents

The Nursery Curriculum is based around the 'Early Years Foundation Stage Framework' (EYFS) which covers seven areas of learning.  These areas are:

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Below are a few documents which you may find useful:

  • 'EYFS Framework' - is the statutory framework for the early years foundation stage - Updated October 2023
  • 'Birth to 5 Matters' and the 'Development Matters' documents - support the teaching of the EYFS Framework 

Nursery Welcome Power Point & Termly Letters

Long Term Plans

Admissions - Did you know your child can start the term after they are three?

Supporting your child's development in the Early Years

EY pathway FINAL (1)

Early Reading

Early reading ignites creativity, sparks curiosity, and stimulates the imagination in young children. Often, this leads to role-play as children grow which helps to develop other skills such as empathy, problem-solving, and morality.

In our nursery at St Pauls, we focus on preparing our pupils for the early stages of learning to read. Careful listening, sound discrimination and oracy skills (speaking) are key to success in future reading development so these are the areas we concentrate on. Our language rich environment where we talk, explain, share stories and talk about stories, sing rhymes and songs with repeated refrains helps to develop each child's vocabulary and ignite a love of stories and books.

We cannot stress enough how important talk and stories are in developing children's vocabulary and language, whether these stories are read at home in English or your child's home language. Below are some useful websites which further explain the important of reading to your child:

Below are some helpful websites:

  • Active LearnOur online learning environment, with lots of fun books for children to read/share.

  • BBC Nursery songsA collection of nursery songs from the Early Learning series Listen and Play and Playtime, both of which are currently available on iplayer and as podcasts

  • Book TrustSuggested books for children, advice on how to read with your child, book lists, fun games, competitions to win free books, Children's Book Club etc.

  • Love ReadingExpert recommendations and opening extracts of books.

  • Oxford OwlPhonics advice and access to free E-Books. Free to register.

  • PearsonPublisher’s website designed to give parents help and advice for reading with children.


Early Maths

All effective early years practitioners realise that talk is at the heart of maths learning. Quite simply, most of children's understanding about number, shapes and measures comes from talking about number, shapes and measures, and exploring them through everyday play indoors and outdoors.

Mathematics is one of the seven areas of the early years foundation stage and is used to develop a child's confidence and ability with number but also to encourage their understanding of shapes, space and measures. It is important children are able to do this in a range of ways including adding and subtracting, using quantities and objects and understanding concepts like weight, position, distance and money.

Below are some websites you may find useful:

  • Primary GamesYou'll find all sorts of maths content here, all presented as engaging games and challenges.

  • TopmarksLots of fun games to play with children of all ages!

Internet-based Activities relating to Number and Place Value

  • Spin to WinCreate the highest number to win the round.

  • Eggs to Order (KS1)Ordering numbers according to place value.

  • Splat SquareSplat the numbers in different colours. Play games, look for patterns and learn your numbers to 100!


Our class Saint is Saint Josephine Bakhita (1869-1947)

St Josephine Bakhita, was sold to slavery at a young age.  She is known as the patron saint of victims of modern slavery and human trafficking.  Her Feast Day is on Februray 8th, also known as the World Day of Prayer, Reflection and Action Against Human Trafficking.


"The Lord has loved me so much: We must love everyone...we must be compassionate!"

Curriculum Enrichment

Curriculum enrichment means bringing the curriculum alive; making it exciting and most importantly making it memorable. We do this by inviting visitors, going on trips and having special days and activities. 

Autumn One Topic - Myself

'Myself' is a topic children always find absorbing! It offers opportunities to explore diverse aspects of life experiences and visit other mini-topics such as the senses, growing, old and new; and of course developing new friedships and connections with others and share their likes, differences and dreams. 

Early Years Framework | ILT Education

Myself - Key Texts

Every week we plan around a book. This encourages children to really get to know the book well and by the end of the week they often know the story off by heart. We explore the story, the characters, the words and the themes. We have lots of fun playing with the words, the rhymes and the alliteration. Below is our selection of books we will be focusing on this half term for the topic 'Myself'.

Myself - Rhymes of the Week

Rhyming helps babies and children learn about words, sounds and language formation. Hearing and using rhyme, rhythm and repetition helps children develop early literacy skills. The repetition of words, ideas and skills is important for early brain development, as it creates secure foundations for early learning. So we have a focus song each week to give our children the best chance for the future. The songs below will be our focus rhymes of the week during our topic 'Myself'.

Autumn Two Topic - Under the Sea!

Teaching children about what lies beneath the sea nurtures their natural sense of curiosity and wonder. Many children are fascinated by the vastness of the ocean, and introducing conversations about things like the sea life creatures and plants will engage and nurture their inquisitive minds.

under sea

Under the Sea - Key Texts

Under the Sea is a topic which inspires imagination and wonder. Unfortunatly we cannot travel under the sea to answer all the children's questions however we use a range of texts to help, these are listed below.

Under The Sea - Rhymes of the Week

Below are the rhymes of the week which we have linked to the topic of 'Under the Sea'.

Spring One Topic - People who help us!


People who help us - Key Texts

Below are the texts that we will be focusing on this half term. We will be exploring all different jobs that people have that help us in our lives!

People who help us - Rhymes of the Week

Below are the rhymes and songs we have linked to our topic for this half term. 

Curriculum Enrichment - Police Visit

We had real life heroes come and visit us at school. Police officers came to see us. They explained that police are here to keep us safe. We tried on their special police clothes and we all got a chance to sit in a police car and hear the siren. Such an exciting day!

Spring Two Topic - Hello Spring

This topic presents children with opportunities to explore new life, seasonal changes and life cycles. Children will get lots of opportunities to explore the beauty of nature in spring time.

hello spring

Hello Spring - Key Texts

The texts we have chosen to explore this half term give examples of new life and the changes that happen in spring. Hopefully conversations will happen and we will get some interesting conversations from our little ones. We have planned focused activities based on the stories. 

Hello Spring - Rhymes of the Week

Below are the rhymes and songs we have linked to our topic for this half term. 

Summer One Topic - Animals Amazing Animals!

Welcome to our exciting new topic for nursery: Animals Amazing Animals! Over the coming weeks, we'll delve into the fascinating world of animals that gallop, fly, and live in our world around us every day. From colourful butterflies to giant gorillas, we'll explore their habitats, behaviours, and importance in our environment through fun activities, stories, and hands-on experiences. Get ready to embark on a journey filled with wonder and discovery as we learn all about these amazing animals!


Animals Amazing Animals - Key Texts

Each week, we'll immerse ourselves into the enchanting world of these animals, sparking curiosity and fostering a love for the wonders of the natural world.

Animals Amazing Animals - Rhymes of the Week

Learning songs and rhymes about animals is super fun for kids aged 3-4! It helps them learn new words and sounds, and rhymes make it easy to remember things. Plus, singing and rhyming together with friends is a great way to have fun and learn together. It also helps their brains get super smart and ready for school! Below is the list of chosen songs and rhymes however we always like to add in a few more as we go along.

My Lost Dog Song.mp3Old MacDonald's Vet's Song.mp3

Summer Two Topic - Transport

Welcome to our exciting new nursery topic – Transport! Over the coming weeks, we will be exploring the wonderful world of transport, discovering the many different ways people and goods travel on land, on the sea, and in the air. Through fun and engaging activities, we will learn about cars, boats, airplanes, and more. To make our exploration even more special, we will have the opportunity to experience a real ride on a tractor, giving us a hands-on understanding of how this important vehicle works. Get ready for a fantastic journey of learning and adventure!


Transport - Knowledge Organiser

Transport - Key Texts

To enrich our exploration of the transport topic, we have carefully selected a range of key texts to support our teaching and engage the children. These stories, along with other carefully chosen texts, will help us bring the world of transport to life, fostering curiosity and enhancing learning through captivating narratives and vibrant illustrations.

Transport - Rhymes of the Week

Rhymes and songs are powerful tools for enhancing memory and making learning fun. With our new topic of Transport, we are excited to introduce a collection of engaging and educational songs to our curriculum. These catchy tunes will not only help students remember key concepts about different modes of transport but also add a lively and interactive element to their learning experience. You can find the new transport-themed songs attached below. Let's get ready to sing along and explore the world of transport together!

St Paul's Prayer Phases

At St Paul’s we are supporting the children to understand and learn the prayers as set out in our prayer phase. Please see the supporting document below. We base our assemblies and some of our worships on these prayers.

Morning Prayer

Father in heaven you love me,

You’re with me night and day,

I want to love you always in all I do and say.

I’ll try to please you father,

Bless me through the day.


Lunchtime Prayer

Before meals

Thank you God our Father,

For the food we are about to eat.

Bless those who have prepared it.


After meals

We give you thanks, Almighty God,

for all your benefits,

who live and reign, world without end.



End of Day Prayer

God our Father, I’ve come to say

Thank you for your love today.

Thank you for my family

And all the friends you give to me.

Guard me in the dark of night

And in the morning send your light


Catholic Social Teaching Principles

Catholic social teaching (CST) is rooted in Scripture, formed by the wisdom of Church leaders, and influenced by grassroots movements. It is our moral compass, guiding us on how to live out our faith in the world.  Our faith calls us to love God and to love our neighbours in every situation, especially our sisters and brothers living in poverty. Following in the footsteps of Christ, we hope to make present in our unjust and broken world, the justice, love and peace of God.

As Catholics, we are committed to contributing positively to our society; being of service to others – particularly those that have less and are more vulnerable.

Our class Catholic Social Teaching Principle is The Common Good. 

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Care of Creation

The world was made by God, so we take care of God’s creation.

Preferential option for the poor

The ‘preferential option’ means allowing someone to have the first choice.

Solidarity and Peace

God calls us to be peacemakers in the world – to stand in solidarity with those in need.

Community and Participation

As humans, we are made to live in community with one another. This means being active members of the world we live in. We are meant to look out for each other and build each other up. This is how God wants us to live.

Dignity of Workers

Work is fundamental to the dignity of a person.

Human Dignity

Treating someone with dignity means treating them with love, kindness and respect. Everyone should be treated with dignity because we are made in the image and likeness of God.

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