Forest School
What is Forest School?
St Paul’s offers Forest School sessions for each class in Years 1-6 alongside Be Free who are accredited forest school leaders. We are one of only six primary schools in Cheshunt to offer this unique type of learning. Please read through our information pack, to understand the types of activities that take place in Forest School sessions.
Sessions take place on Thursday mornings for around 2 hours for one class at a time.
Autumn 1 - year 1
Autumn 2 - year 4
Spring 1 - year 5
Spring 2 - year 3
Summer 1 - year 2
Summer 2 - year 6
Your child should arrive to school in their outdoor learning clothes (old clothes, shoes that will get dirty), with a SPARE set of clothes in a bag for them to change into when they get dirty or wet. This should include socks, pants, and shoes. They will not be required to change back into their school uniform in the afternoon.
We hope that you share our belief that children gain many physical and emotional benefits from being in nature, and invaluable learning experiences will come from this break from the traditional classroom.
If you are interested in becoming a parent volunteer for our weekly Forest School sessions, please let the office know.