Forest School

I am excited to announce we will be continuing Forest School at St Pauls this year. It was lovely to see the positive impact it had on our pupil’s holistic development, and we are looking forward to seeing this continue. Children gained physical and emotional benefits from being in nature and invaluable learning experiences will come from this break from the traditional classroom.
This year Forest School will take place on Tuesday afternoons between 1pm-3pm.
Please see below which half term your child will be attending Forest School.
Autumn 1 - year 1 (W/C 16th September)
Autumn 2 - year 4
Spring 1 - year 5
Spring 2 - year 3
Summer 1 - year 2
Summer 2 - year 6
On Forest School days your child is to wear their own clothes (ones you are happy to get wet and dirty), full length trousers, waterproof coat and appropriate footwear, wellies are preferable- which are able to be kept in school throughout your child’s forest school session set. In the wetter months waterproof trousers are advised. Please also bring a full set of spare clothes in case your child needs to get changed after their forest school session.
*If you would like to volunteer to help out at your child’s set of Forest School sessions, please drop me an email at:
Miss Richardson
Forest School Lead
Year 1
Year 1 have really enjoyed forest school. We engaged in lots of games and activities. Some of the activities the children enjoyed were fallen tree climbing, minibeast hunting, scavenger hunting, swinging in a hammock, making nature crowns, litter picking and campfire.
Here are some pictures of the children having a great time!