Year 5 Team: Mrs Bekiri
In Year 5 we are here to help your child grow a love for learning both inside and ourside of the classroom and for them to gain the confidence to become independent learners. At St Paul's we put the mental health and well-being of our children at the forefront of this. In our class we encourage the children to share how they are feeling through the use of open discussion as well as our feeling box and 'shout out' box. I addition, each child has also chosen as 'Special Person'. This is a member of staff they may ask to speak to if they feel the need to.
If you need to contact me, please email: year5@stpauls373.herts.sch.uk
Our Class Saint
Our class saint is St Bernadette.
During this first half-term in Year 5 the class will be learning about St Bernadette.
Catholic Social Teaching principles
Our class Catholic Social Teaching Principle is Diginity. Please see the attached PowerPoint on this.
The whole school Catholic Social Teaching priciple we are focussing on this half term is Care of Creation. Please ask your children about this and what it means to them.
St Paul's Mission Statement
Our school is a place of learning, a place of love.
Spiritual – We celebrate our life in Christ.
Teamwork – We play and work together.
Polite – We are polite and respect everyone we meet.
Always – We always try to do our best.
Understanding – We try to understand peoples’ feelings.
Learning – We love to learn about our world in many different ways.
Sharing – We share our time, our gifts and our belongings.
Let the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to them. Luke 18:16
Spellings Autumn 1
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Week 8 |
accident accidentally actual actually address although answer appear arrive believe Year 4 revision of commonly mispelt words |
believe people your you're there their they're should which breath Commonly mispelt words
century centuries library libraries dictionary dictionaries opportunity oppotunities variety varieties Plurals - spelling rule re[lace 'y' with 'i' and add 'es'.
achieve achieves governemnt governments shoulder shoulders vegetable vegetables temperature temperatures Plurals - spelling rule add 's'
leaf leaves loaf loaves calf calves man men woman women Irregular plurals
equipment enjoyment agreement commitment development happiness kindness playfulness nervousness brightness Spelling rule - 'ment' and 'ness' suffixes
penniless careless helpless endless helpful shameful cheerful kindly immediately sicerely Spelling rule - suffixes 'less', 'ful' and 'ly' |
imagined exercised freshest strongest enjoyed remembered greater hotter questioning separating Vowel suffixes ‘ed’, ‘est’, ‘er’, ‘ing’
Homework Autumn 1
Photos Autumn 1
Useful Documents Autumn 2
Spellings Autumn 2
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Week 8 |
insisting beginning resisting inspiring pretending sacrificing persuading corresponding appreciating determining adding 'ing' to multisyllabic words |
appear arrive different difficult disappear grammar occasion opposite possess possible words with double consonants |
exaggerate excellent harass immediate marvellous occupy occur opportunity sufficient suggest words with double consonants |
exaggerate excellent harass immediate marvellous occupy occur opportunity sufficient suggest words with double consonants |
Photos Autumn 2
Useful Documents Spring 1
Week 1 |
Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | ||
city space fancy twice bicycle centre experience medicine celebrate cyber soft 'c' soound |
ancient appreciate cemetery criticise convenience excellence existence hindrance necessary nuissance soft 'c' soound |
conceive receipt receive perceived deceit deceiving ceiling conceit misconceive misperceive ei after c |
chief relief piece niece belief thieves shield belief field achieve words with ie |
available vegetable table apple bottle little middle cable smile uncle words ending in le |
Photos Spring 1
Homework Spring 1
Spellings Spring 2
Week 1 |
Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 |
official facial crucial special artificial social financial commercial sacrificial provincial Suffix 'cial' |
partial initial potential celestial sequential confidential residential inflential spatial presidential Suffix 'tial' |
officially essentially facially residentially crucially confidentially specially artificially partially initially Suffixes 'cially' and 'tially' |
Useful Documents Summer 1
Spellings - Summer 1
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | |
Photos Summer 1
Useful Documents - Summer 2
Spellings - Summer 2
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | |
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Morning Prayer
Father in Heaven You love me You’re with me night and day,
I want to love you always in all I do and say.
I’ll try to please you father,
Bless me through the day.
Lunchtime Prayer
Before Meals
Thank you God our Father,
For the food we are about to eat.
Bless those who have prepared it.
After Meals
We give you thanks, Almighty God,
For all your benefits,
who live and reign, world without end.
End of Day Prayer
God our Father, I’ve come to say
Thank you for your love today.
Thank you for my family
And all the friends you give to me.
Guard me in the dark of night
And in the morning send your light
St Paul's Prayer Phases
At St Paul’s we are supporting the children to understand and learn the prayers as set out in our prayer phase. Please see the supporting document below. We base our assemblies and some of our worships on these prayers.
Catholic Social Teaching Principles
Catholic social teaching (CST) is rooted in Scripture, formed by the wisdom of Church leaders, and influenced by grassroots movements. It is our moral compass, guiding us on how to live out our faith in the world. Our faith calls us to love God and to love our neighbours in every situation, especially our sisters and brothers living in poverty. Following in the footsteps of Christ, we hope to make present in our unjust and broken world, the justice, love and peace of God.
As Catholics, we are committed to contributing positively to our society; being of service to others – particularly those that have less and are more vulnerable.
Our class Catholic Social Teaching Principle is Dignity.
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Care of Creation The world was made by God, so we take care of God’s creation. |
Preferential option for the poor The ‘preferential option’ means allowing someone to have the first choice. |
Solidarity and Peace God calls us to be peacemakers in the world – to stand in solidarity with those in need. |
Community and Participation As humans, we are made to live in community with one another. This means being active members of the world we live in. We are meant to look out for each other and build each other up. This is how God wants us to live. |
Dignity of Workers Work is fundamental to the dignity of a person. |
Human Dignity Treating someone with dignity means treating them with love, kindness and respect. Everyone should be treated with dignity because we are made in the image and likeness of God. |