Have a look at our RE work - see if you can spot your own work!
Year 1's work January 2020
In our topic we have been learning about special people. To start we have been thinking about who is special to us, we then thought about who helps at church and finally we have been learning about Pope Francis and why he is special to the church.
Reception RE work January 2020
In RE we have been exploring celebrations ; how we celebrate and why we celebrate special occasions. As a class we have discussed and produced a spider diagram exploring how we celebrate, individually we have thought about how we might like to celebrate a special occasion.
We have also been exploring how other cultures and religions celebrate special occasions. We have explored how Chinese New Year is celebrated and we produced our own ‘Good Luck’ celebration cards.
Year 3 RE work January 2020
In Year 3 they have been describing times that they have shared with others and were making links to the story ‘Stone Soup’
Year 6 RE work January 2020
In January, Year 6 were looking at the importance of the Bible in our lives. We have studied a range of readings, from both the Old Testament and the New Testament. We reflected upon the story of Joseph and King’s Dreams. Finally, we gathered to discuss this question:
How is God present in the Scripture?
Here is a couple of photos evidencing our learning in the class.
Year 3's work - March 2020
Year 3 have been learning about the Liturgical year. In this lesson we discussed the offering of the gifts. The children identified the Paten and Chalice which hold the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
Year 5's work - March 2020
Year 5 have been learning about the Exodus story and how this links to the story of the last supper. In this lesson we learnt all about Passover and the Seder plate. The children identified how the different foods represent something from the Exodus and how Jesus’s last supper was a Passover meal.
Year 6 - March 2020
During Collective Worship, children have set another wonderful challenge. The driving question was:
How can I help others with God’s help?
There was a great number of Year 6 referring to the Word of God- the scripture, quoting the actual passages.
Then, later on they began to create their prayers which have been displayed in our new Reflection Area.
Year 6 - October 2020
Year 6 have been working hard to understand and interpret part of the Bibles. They have been using their new Bibles to help them with this.
'I have been learning about the Bible and how to use it to help with my mental health. I have also learnt that if I ever worry about anything, I can speak to God and my special person. I remember that I can find a passage in the Bible that is linked to my worry eg in the Book of Isaiah, it says that the Lord is coming to save His people along with the people that He has rescued.'
Today, we have been looking at the Book of Isaiah and the prophecy about the coming of Jesus. I have learnt that God has chosen me and I am one of His Holy people. It makes me feel special because God sees me as a very special person. I feel loved by God.
In this lesson, as I have started a new topic, I have been looking at the Book of Isaiah. I really looked this passage:
‘’ Tell the people of Jerusalem that God is coming to save you’’
It shows that we belong to God; we are His people. This makes me feel very special and I feel that I belong to God’s family.
Year 5 RE learning Autumn Term 2020
For our topic- 'Ourselves,' Year 5, learnt that for Christians the pattern and ideal of family life is found in the Scriptures. God is the loving parent of the human family and Jesus was born and lived in a human family. They understood that while offering ideals for family life, it is important to acknowledge and respect the real experience of some children which is not ideal.
For our topic- 'Belonging,' Year 5 are learning that everyone is invited to share in the life and work of God through Baptism. The Bible recounts God’s invitations to people to share in his life and work: among them Moses, Samuel, the prophets, Mary and the apostles.
Year 1 RE Learning Autumn 2020
In year 1 we were learning about families and how we can help within our families. The children discussed ways we can help at home. Some of the ideas they came up with were sharing, setting the table for dinner, helping their parents with the shopping.
The children drew a picture to show this and their next steps were to label to picture using the correct vocabulary from the word bank.