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Nursery Remote Learning - January 2021

Week Commencing Monday 4th January 2021

Please find below a grid of suggested activities for you to do throughout the week with your child at home. Don't forget we also have the zoom sessions in the morning and afternoon. You will be sent the invite link for these via Marvellous Me.

Monday 4th January 2021 timetable

There are lots of videos, online stories, songs, interactive games on the bbc learning Early Years website



There are some free phonics games for phase 1 and phase 2 on phonics play




There are some free Early Years games and resources also on these website



Week commencing monday 25th January

Monday 25th January 2021

RSPB birdwatch

Please see the links for the RSPB birdwatch happening this weekend. You may like to take part with your child.

Week Commencing Monday 1st January 2021

Week commencing Monday 8th February 2021

week commencing Monday 22nd February 2021

Hi everyone. I hope you all had a great mid term break and are feeling rested and refreshed. Our topic for this half term is 'people who help us' but we will also be doing activities based on  Spring and Easter. As usual please feel free to adapt these activities to your childs needs and abilities. I hope you find the activities fun and enjoyable and that your child  learns lots of new things. Remember  to email photos of your childs work in or save it so that I can put it in your learning journals when you return to school. I'm  hoping to see everyone  return back as soon as it is safe to do so. In the meantime have lots of fun and make sure you all stay safe.

Mrs Larkin smiley

Week commencing Monday 1st March 2021

Tuesday 2nd March 2021

Wednesday 3rd March 2021

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